Marketing Plan

A good marketing plan identifies goals and brings on focus.

Experience, knowledge and expertise

A good marketing plan gives clarity and course to a business. The identification of goals, the time frame and the means to achieve them and, no less important, the available budget and expected ROI.

But, where to start? Agrado has the experience and knowledge to design a structured marketing plan that works on a practical level. We can help you along the way to set the plan in motion.

Improved results

Bernhard Nanninga is able to direct his client to the right path of thoughts and practical steps to reach your goal. Through his knowledge of the commercial chain of the horticultural business and his large network in the sector, Nanninga is able to identify the problem areas very quickly.

SMP certified

Bernhard Nanninga has the SMP certification, which give you the warranty of hiring a specialized marketing professional who knows how to make an effective marketing plan for your business.

bernhard nanninga van agrado marketing uit pijnacker

Also make use of a specialist and be better prepared

Start with a free intake interview to understand whether your needs fit with the competence and approach of Bernhard Nanninga.